Coaching Testimonials

“Before starting my coaching journey with Maurice I was uncertain where my career path was taking me. Throughout our sessions we explored what was important to me including personal values and my blockers. From the outset I had complete trust in Maurice and was able to be completely open and vulnerable. You will come away from the sessions with a sense of clarity and purpose. I’ve not had that from any other coach”

Rachel, Tech GM

“I had never experienced any business coaching before and was slightly sceptical if it could be of any benefit. I was so wrong, and can genuinely say that the experience has been so helpful to me in what is a crucial time in my fledgling business. I would definitely recommend Maurice as a professional coach, and will definitely be returning.”

Kevin, Entrepreneur

“Maurice’s coaching approach is masterful in unlocking insights & personal breakthroughs, each and every session. I went into my coaching journey, empty & uncertain. I emerged, reinvigorated & energised. It’s probably one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever given myself”.

Karen, Entrepreneur

“I was having a challenging time at work. I lost some of my confidence and drive, questioning the direction of my career. After a few sessions with Maurice, he helped me figure out only what was important to me in life, but what really motivates me in the workplace, and what has made me successful in my career to date. This gave me an enormous confidence boost, helping me realise my fuller potential and ultimately led to a great new job in a new company, where I’ve been given the core tools and insights for a successful start!  This wouldn’t have been possible without Maurice's patient listening, understanding, experience and insight and I look forward to future sessions”

Tom, Marketing

“Maurice’s approach made me realise and understand that the answers are all within me and can be coaxed to the fore.  A great benefit of Maurice as coach is to help me identify and harness key aspects of my personality, experiences and skills in order to serve myself better, and furthermore to use that acknowledgement to bolster me to take action.  That combination of coaxing + coaching has enabled me to get to the bottom of what my sticking points were and why and overcome them making tangible progress both personally and professionally. The changes in my mindset are quite astounding - and it is very generous of Maurice and in the spirit of his approach as a coach to make that success my own, rather than his – and as such galvanises me more towards achieving my potential.” 

Lucy, Entrepreneur

“I wanted a new career direction but was unsure what path to choose.  Maurice’s coaching helped me articulate the block I was facing and through a combination of generosity, curiosity and challenge, Maurice’s supportive coaching has helped me shape my mindset and discover my new direction.  Today I feel fulfilled in my career choice and excited by my work.” 

Chris, Marketing

Maurice was the 1st professional coach that I worked with and I would recommend him to anyone looking for support in their career or personal life. He is patient, full of generosity and genuinely interested in guiding others find their way. He helped me understand what was pulling me back in my career and identify behaviours that I needed to change in order to reach my goals.

Mylene, Sales

"There was a moment in my career where I felt I was going nowhere and the sentiment of unfulfillment was taking more energy than expected; I was not sure about the root cause of that feeling and Maurice provided an environment full of all necessary tools and practices to help me identify what it really mattered to me not only as a professional but also as an individual. I was able to remember who I really am, all my achievements, where I want to go and how to make it happen".

Lelian, Technology

“I was uncertain about what I wanted in my career, and Maurice provided the tools and a supportive environment for me to identify what was important. He provided an open space for me to explore my past experiences and reclaim the drive, direction, and momentum that I needed to reach outside my comfort zone and focus on what I really wanted”.

Jennifer, Marketing

I started to work with Maurice because I was stuck in professional life and wanted to clarify the next course of action. Maurice made me discover how important it is to be true to yourself and defining my values has been critical. He has equipped me not just for the good days but for those days when things go to plan, for those days that it is easy to fall back to usual behaviours of self-blame. I have fundamentally changed in 6 months.

Victoria, Entrepreneur