My purpose as a coach is to be a catalyst that champions people to lead their most fulfilled, generous lives.   Generosity starts with being generous to yourself.

I went into coaching as I saw it as a natural extension of who I am.

I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), trained by the Co-Active Training Institute, a worldwide leader in coaching professional development. I am also an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) from the International Coaching Federation. I have always loved mentoring people at work – individuals who were open to growth, who thought differently and/or came from different backgrounds.

I have benefitted enormously from working with a coach over the years.  My coach encouraged me to be more open and vulnerable, to confront the negative voices that were holding me back and to develop my own authentic leadership style.  I have personally witnessed the power of coaching in evoking transformation.  It is such a gift. 

I am a recovering perfectionist.  I have first-hand experience how this trait can make the journey more painful. I have learnt there are different perspectives you can adopt, different choices you can make that changes what is possible. 

My purpose as a coach is to be a catalyst that champions people to lead their most fulfilled, generous lives.   Generosity starts with being generous to yourself.

I specialise in coaching entrepreneurs and business leaders.  Via the power of Zoom, I work currently with people in Europe, North America and Asia.  I champion, support and challenge their growth via getting them to identify, commit to and deliver their chosen path.  It is such a privilege to witness their growth and evoke transformation in themselves and their teams.

I help clients who feel stuck, or unfulfilled or who might feel adrift. I encourage clients be their authentic self at work and in life and unleash their full superpowers. 

As well as individual coaching, I now offer group coaching in partnership with an amazing coach ( These are either via off the shelf programmes - details on the programme page of this site or bespoke activity tailored specifically for your needs.

Finally, I work with organisations to develop and implement an authentic, inclusive and motivating business culture and to improve team effectiveness. In so doing, this helps facilitate the delivery of organisational objectives.

"Being generous reminds us that a zero-sum, transactional, closed mindset makes little sense in a world driven by abundance, relationships, and openness." Rishad Tobaccowala

 What is coaching?

Coaching for me is about supporting people to create and fulfil their own life story.  People come to coaching because they want a change in their life – nobody comes to coaching because they want to maintain the status quo.  The role of a coach is to evoke transformation.   As coaches, we treat the clients we work with as naturally creative, resourceful and whole. Typically the answers come from the clients themselves – they just can be very hard to access without support.

Coaching is based on absolute confidentiality which allows you to be open, honest and authentic. Nobody should come to a coaching session to look good. You will get out of coaching what you put in.

Is coaching for you?

You may be feeling stuck or unfulfilled in parts of your life. You may have lost sight of where you want to go or even who you want to be.  Maybe you feel a little adrift. You may be finding it difficult to deliver change in an authentic manner either in a larger company or in your own business.  You may have an unhealthy relationship with work that impacts negatively on the rest of your life.  You may struggle to focus on what is really important to deliver the change you want for you or your business. 

If any of this resonates, contact me to see what is possible.

Change is not easy. It takes commitment.  It can take time.  However, from my own personal, leadership and coaching experiences, I know sustainable change is very much achievable. 

Who am I as a coach?

My own values are drive, generosity, optimism and playfulness. These all come out freely in my coaching.

I champion and challenge you to be the best you can be. I listen intently. It is so rare to be truly listened to.  I use my curiosity and intuition to guide, encourage and provoke. I push and stretch for accountability that you are committed to. 

You are responsible for your own growth in coaching.  My job is to help you forward the action and deepen the learning.  If the purpose of coaching is to evoke the transformation you require, then my job is to do the evoking!

I can help as a coach in part because many of the challenges above I have struggled with myself.   

The best answers always will come from yourself. But if we agree it is something that could be valuable for you, I use my 25+ years business experience and insights to help when relevant. This is called mentoring. Sometimes clients do not know what they do not know. I can share insight to assist them from my experiences, successes and failures along the way. 

What does coaching with me look like?

It starts off with a free non-committal 30 mins chemistry session where we discuss what change(s) you want in your life and assess whether we believe we would be a good fit to work together.

Through experience, typically I recommend the sessions take place every 2 to 3 weeks.   

I offer two off the shelf Change Packages below.  I am also happy to discuss bespoke packages that work specifically for you, your company or your team.


Change Packages

Package 1 (typically over 2 to 3 months)


1 x 90 mins 121 Discovery Session where we decide how we will work together and unpack your values and purpose.  As people we are fulfilled when we honour our values so being clear, precise and choiceful on what these are is essential as we progress on our life’s journey.

5 x 1 hour 121 sessions

Regular Whatsapp communication to stay in touch in between sessions

Package 2 (typically over 4 to 6 months)


1 x 90 mins 121 Discovery Session (as above)

9 x 1 hour 121 sessions

Regular Whatsapp communication to stay in touch in between sessions

If there is something additional or different you require, please speak to me as I am here to help.

Because sustainable change typically takes multiple sessions, I prioritise these packages rather than 1 off sessions.  However I also offer 1 hour power sessions.  These work especially well as occasional catch-ups after package sessions or if there is a clear and specific problem you are struggling with. 

If there is something additional or different you require, please speak to me as I am here to help.